What a crazy last few months in the world. The Vaccine is out and will hopefully be ending all the Covid Crazyness. I have been just working away in my studio, making new items, doing commissions and teaching a few classes. I am happy to report that I’m loving my new studio! Its so easy to work in and also have a small gallery up in the corner and several customers have come in to purchase. I’m so excited to keep growing my business out here.
Because there has been some confusion about the name as there is another Fired Earth Pottery in WI, I have added Sarah Parent Pottery to my name and even got the Domain “SarahParentPottery.com” so you can now find me either way!
I am also really excited about a new idea I’m working on. I will Personalize your pottery with an inscription on the bottom of the pot. Whether its a quote, a poem, a personal note of whatever you can think up, I will write through black slip on the bottom of the pottery your exact words in my handwriting.
Perhaps its “Dear Grandma, We love you so much, happy 75th Birthday, from Mike and Joan”
Or “To my dearest Love, Sharing our life together has been the greatest accomplishment of my life, Your loving spouse, Leslie”
Of course Because its a personalized item it will take a few weeks to make and ship out so give it some extra time.